First, the good news: 90% of plantar fasciitis cases can be successfully resolved with simple, conservative treatments.
What’s the bad news? The longer plantar fasciitis goes unaddressed, the longer the healing process takes and the more potential complications that may arise. Not allowing your arch enough rest time after a foot injury, working a job that requires a lot of time on your feet, participating in high-impact activities without proper footwear or support, and failing to follow through with at-home treatments after symptoms develop are the most common ways plantar fasciitis persists and gets worse.
Click here to get the #1 plantar fasciitis inserts.
Risks of Untreated Plantar Fasciitis
Symptoms of plantar fasciitis and heel pain usually develop gradually, although some cases can develop more quickly (for instance, after a foot injury). If heel pain and other symptoms of plantar fasciitis (like redness, inflammation, and swelling in the feet) are left untreated, other more serious complications can arise:
Plantar Tears
Over time, if plantar fasciitis is left untreated, the inflammation and stress to the plantar fascia can result in small tears in the fascia (sometimes called “micro-injuries”). You may not be aware of the exact moment that each small tear appears, however you will notice your pain level gradually worsen. If these tears are left unaddressed, they may grow in size and number, and make the plantar fascia more vulnerable to rupture and debilitation.
Plantar Rupture
Plantar rupture can happen if plantar fasciitis is not addressed, but an individual continues to participate in activities that place a great deal of impact on the plantar fascia. These activities might include jogging, sports, or even standing for long periods of time in ill-fitting footwear.
Symptoms of plantar fascia rupture usually include a loud popping sound, followed by intense pain, bruising, and swelling in the foot. Putting weight on the affected foot will be very painful. If you suspect plantar rupture, you should seek medical help immediately. You will likely be required to wear a boot or crutches for a period of time after a ruptured plantar fascia.
Research also shows that steroid injections, a common treatment for pain relief of chronic plantar fasciitis, are a significant risk factor for plantar rupture, because of the way that the steroids interfere with collagen synthesis in the foot.
Plantar Fibromatosis
Plantar fibromatosis is a condition in which benign, slow-growing nodules form along the plantar fascia. The nodules often grow slowly and undetected, followed by sudden, rapid growth. As time passes and the nodules grow, walking may become uncomfortable or painful.

While many cases of plantar fibromatosis are believed to be triggered by genetics, there is is a correlation between individuals with plantar fasciitis and individuals with plantar fibromatosis. Some researchers believe that plantar fibromatosis can be triggered by a tear in the fascia that is left untreated.
Heel Spurs
Heel spurs are one of the most common consequences of leaving plantar fasciitis untreated. In an attempt to protect the arch of your foot and mitigate damage, your body sends an army of cells to the site of the problem, which begins depositing calcium. Over time, these deposits can build up into sharp protrusions that dig into the fatty pad of the heel and cause a great deal of pain with each step.

Heel spurs can build up over several months’ time without causing pain. In other words, allowing plantar fasciitis to go untreated may mean that a secondary problem brews unnoticed–until the sharp pain reappears.
Complicated Decisions About Surgery and Medical Interventions
Left untreated, plantar fasciitis can become chronic and make surgery more likely. While surgery can be a successful last resort for cases of chronic plantar fasciitis that don’t respond to conservative treatments like orthotics, rest, and icing, it’s important to remember that surgery can often be avoided through prompt and consistent treatment when heel pain arises.
Help avoid complicated (and expensive) decisions about surgery and other medical interventions by taking symptoms of plantar fasciitis seriously!
Hip, Knee, and Back Pain from Plantar Fasciitis
Over time, untreated plantar fasciitis and heel pain can lead to unexpected hip, back, and knee pain. The arches of the feet work in tandem with the tendons, ligaments, and muscles throughout the lower body. When the plantar fascia is compromised, other muscles, ligaments, and tendons must work harder to compensate. This cascade of overuse can eventually lead to pain outside the arch.
Plantar fasciitis can also lead to abnormal gait patterns while walking or standing, leading to repetitive stress injuries as the hips, knees, and backs are repeatedly required to move in abnormal ways.
Listen to the Warning Signs of Plantar Fasciitis
Recognizing the symptoms of plantar fasciitis and treating this condition early is the best way to avoid secondary problems and complications. Think of the pain from developing plantar fasciitis as a warning, encouraging you to address the problem at hand before more damage occurs. Stretching, icing, and using special orthotic inserts are all effective ways to curb the damage from plantar fasciitis and begin healing.
This article was originally published on May 17, 2020, and updated on January 31, 2021.
I have all these symptoms and they seem to b getting worse… I was wondering if surgery was an option..
Go to and orthopedic doctor and get and air cast boot. I had a huge heel spur and I put the boot on for 3 weeks on it was the best thing I have done. The dr said shots DO NOT work. I have gotten the boot off went to Walmart and got on the shoe insole machine bought the inserts and my foot has very , very little pain. I was at a20 going to the dr . Now I am a 1 on pain.
I wore the boot. And the pain still hasn’t gone away. Actually I had more pain.
The amount of contradictory information on how to treat plantar fasciitis and tendinitis I General is overwhelming. I dropped $1,200.00 at the good foot store. After a month of following their program, I had worse and new pain . Sorry…. no returns. Some articles say stretch you tendons in therapy, others say never do that. I’ve had PT, a 5 pound air boot, steroid injections, which made it way more painful for days. There’s the each “helpful” site wants to sell you a product that stretches, or does some kind of system to increase blood flow. No one has suggested an MRI. I find that curious, since I believe it would show any damage that can be seen on X-rays – which are normal. I’m no overweight but I do have MS so I’m sure my muscle spasms affect my muscle structure. I cannot take anti inflammatory medication which is also recommended by some and denounced by others.
The best PT I Ever had included scraping, (calves and feet) a tens unit and heat.
I am reading this 2 years after your post. I have gone through the same situation and struggled for 9 years. Taken shots, multiple custom orthotics, PT, heel cups…with no change. I used to ask for MRI and doctors would laugh at me. Finally, went to a surgeon and he agreed to do MRI as he thought I had nerve issue. After going thru’ all that the MRI shows Plantar faciaitis tear and heel fracture. I am now in a boot for 6 weeks. Please insist on MRI and get the correct diagnosis!
I had it for a few years and finally I went to the doctor and gotten a steroid shot in my foot. No issues after that
How painful was the shot. My doctor has recommended a shot but warned me it was very painful
I was in so much pain I had to use a walker. Went to a podiatrist he gave me a shot put me in a cast for one week. Followed by 3 more shots and inserts for tennis shoes. I have no pain and I only wear tennis shoes with my inserts.
I just had the surgery. Helped a lot. Only a week out. I recommend it. Prior to the surgery I had 31 rounds of PT, steroid shots, acupuncture, ice, you name it. It never got better
Hi Audrey, hope you get this message, as i have been getting shots by orthopaedic doctors, for years, now cannot stand or walk without pain, been told by podiatrist, surgery is my only hope, but could be left with less movement, so as it helped you, could you please as been praying, for help, To know benefits of type of surgery you had, as I ask my doctor to refer me, and just to be able to walk, stand, sleep, be free of pain after years of going here n there, all I got was injections. Thanks so much. Aisling.
Audrey kindly advise where u had the surgery
And what type of surgery you had?
Did anyone ever answer these questions? – what type of surgery did you have and where did you have it?
What surgury? Plantar release? I’ve had issues since 2004.
dont do it worst thing ive done
Why? Please explain. I have just scheduled surgery but would like to know what surgery you had and why do you think not better
What kind of surgery exactly did you have
Just scheduled surgery. Would like to hear more about yours.
I had plantar fasciitis on an doff for two years and my own GP injected my left foot twice and my right three times. the pain continued to get worse, I resorted to Sketchers, and crutches for several months as the pain was so severe all day long (I have never done high impact sports or walked long distances – I worked in an office) for over 5 months I wore three pairs of socks at one time and even bandaged large sponges onto the bottom of y feet because they were unbearably sore. I saw a specialist who organised some botox injections guided using a scanner to check they were injecting in the right place. The orthodpaedic surgeon specialising in foot conditions was so surprised they did not help immediately. I wore splints in bed for 4 months in an effort to help. The next suggestion was to have plasma from my own blood injected under general aneasthetic into my feet. This also did not work. After another three months on crutches and air boots, I walked three paces across the hall floor at home to get my coat and the right foot exploded with what I believed to be a rupture. The A&E department laughed when I told them what I suspected had happened as I was in agony. I saw the specialist 3 days later who did a scan and saw that my right foot had ruptured 3/4 of the way across, plus several smaller tears in my left foot. (I am only 50 years old). He suggested I go back to the air boot for another 3 months and to put no weight at all through my right foot during this time. (Showering and cooking were the hardest!) and I bought an electric wheelchair to help at work. The specialist said he could operate on my right foot
but the chances of success would be 50/50. He said that the plantar fascia was not pulling my heel bone so slicing into it to release it could just harm the plantar further. The pain did not go away, neither foot healed and so I saw a different specialist for a second opinion a few months later. He strongly suggested I never had any more treatment or operation of any kind in the future after he viewed a second ultra sound scan. He found that my left foot plantar fascia was now 9 mm deep due to scarring, tears and inflammation (in a healthy foot it would be about 2mm) and in my right foot it was 12mm. He was quite shocked. The rupture had not healed after nearly two years. I had physio and wore nothing but Sketchers with added insoles for almost 3 years of my life and I still do now. Eventually as a last resort, the original specialist advised me to have an operation saying I had nothing to lose but I decided to take the advice of the second specialist and so had no further treatment. My feet are still sore, especially the right one, and I can’t wear high heals or walk far but in the grand scheme of things I am a lot better than I was in 2015. My advice, do not have injections – I believe they just weakened an already chronic problem, seek specialist advice for the diagnosis, wear two or three insoles in good fitting shoes, and do the physio at home religiously. I doubt I will ever have perfect plantar fascias but life isn’t perfect.
I am curious how many people with tendinitis/ plantar fasciitis received broad spectrum antibiotics. Any antibiotics the has the word Flux in it? After an illness and treatment with antibiotics, my Achilles became unbearably painful.
I don’t remember what it’s called, I think it starts with an s or c, but there is one that has the side effect of rupturing the Achilles Tendon. Had it twice, 10 years apart, ruptured twice.
Yes and it keeps getting worse ever night. Now my calf hurts and all the tendons on the front and sides of my legs are on fire
Funny you should say that. My Achilles began hurting very badly after I had a mega round of several antibiotics to kill off h pylori. Now I have plantar fasciitis and fibroma. I wonder if the antibiotics is what caused my feet issues. I’ve never had issues with my feet.
I had plantar fascitis on left foot for 2 years . It went away now i have it in my right foot so im fightning the battle again to get better having trouble walking.
I’m the same had it in right foot now its in the left as well, I have had physio, did Pilates, do all the stretching and I’m still the same, I have tried numerous shoes and runners, and now considering custom make orthotics, any help would be great!
This sounds exactly like me except I am scared I am going to get a rupture. Quality of life is not the same after getting plantar fasciitis.
I am currently doing acupuncture for plantar fascitis… went through the whole gammit of injections from the podiatrist.. helped temporarily but no. Then did the Arroisti therapy for weeks and weeks along with the stretches/exercises. Still have the plantar f. The acupuncture seems to be helping a lot!! In addition to the acupuncture I am wearing the “boot” at night only when sleeping or watching tv. Also, the stretches… that’s it! Going on 7 months now with the P.F. I highly recommend acupuncture & the boot, stretches.
Do not do surgery it could make worst or stay the same and it also matters if you have it in both feet
All i know is that I am a 49 year old cook. I dread getting out of bed in the mornings. I dread sitting down for a few minutes. I dread any change in the weight put on or off my feet. I’m in so much pain. I hurt from Borg of my feet all the way up to my thighs. The pain is excruciating
I’ve had plantar fasciitis for over 20 years, arch supports definitely help. I also have heel spurs and now my right hip hurts from adjusting my walk when my feet hurt. About three years ago I tried this arch support (similar to an Ace bandage, just fits around the arch of your foot), you can get these at CVS, Walgreens, or Amazon (sometimes in the supermarket), and I have immediate relief! Everyone should try this, just once, if you have plantar fasciitis. It helps my plantar fasciitis and my heel spur. Such a cheap solution, I told my doctor about it.
Any tried the Tenjet procedure?
Same here! My heel pain has been steadily getting worse over the last month but the last 6 months it’s been solid and I have plantar fasciitis but this feels like a heel spur or worse. It hurts at rest and I’m limping noticeably now
Thank you. I am currently seeking help from a podiatrist and have ordered custom orthotics. Have you mentioned that, also if left untreated , can cause knee or hip pain due to an uneven gait to avoid putting pressure on the afflicted heel ?
I have had Plantar Fasciitis for a year and a half. I’ve done everything from having physio, getting orthotics, Shockwave therapy, massage, x-rays, ultrasound and finally, Active Release Therapy from a chiropractor. I think that the ART is finally nailing it. My pain also went up the side of my leg to my hip.
Active release therapy
I have had heel spurs for years and I have gotten numerous cortisone shots along with special custom inserts. Nothing seems to be helping and not sure what to do now. My doctor is hesitant about surgery but this is making even walking difficult or being on my feet for long periods of time.
I had severe problems and spent thousands over a 15 year period. When I cracked two ankle bones and was put in a boot for 8 weeks, my life changed. For the first time, my foot could heal. Following this, I had 4 weeks of physical therapy. I am pain free for the first time in 15 years. Put an orthotic boot on and leave it until your foot can heal. Good luck.
I have had PF for two years and I’m now looking into a boot/ cast did you need crutches with the boot?
I’ve had pain in the heel for two years, I’ve had the I he ruins and felt fine for two weeks, then suddenly one morning it was back, and has become 10 X worse! Every movement is filled with sharp pain and walking normally is now impossible. Can I seek surgery? Is there any that could help? I’m 36 with four children. It’s ruining my life.
I’ve been going through plantars fasciitis for a year now my doctor is going to do to strayer procedure but the problem is now is I have atrophy in my calf muscle and I have pain unattended on the top of my foot into the front of my calf it really sucks but going through test after test and every day is a guinea I never move I sit around I can’t walk I can’t wait to get the surgery and hopefully it helps
This is what i am going through. I have spent thousands on shoes and orthotics and everything and cannot find relief. The pain on top of the arch and front of the calf is immense and has led to knee pain. I am 30 years old and have been battling PF for 9 years with zero luck. I cannot walk without a cane, my entire life has gone to hell. I cannot work, i lost my home and my family is falling apart. I have never felt so useless in my life. I hope you are able to find relief. I wish you the best.
I have had pain in the back of my heel and went to the dr on May 18th and she told me I have 2 spurs one on the bottom of heel and the other is on the back of my heel! I have a knot on back! It burns with shoes and kills me to walk! I have walked with a limp for about a year. I asked what I needed to do to get rid of them and she said they needed to be cut out! Opinions please!
Could you have restless leg and be tightening/ strengthening your calf muscle which pulls on fascia? Maybe need night braces
Perhaps you should visit a Physiotherapist.
They are fantastic at resolving PF.
There are going to be homework exercises tho.
Also they will “rub out” the tendon and it is uncomfortable for a bit during…totally worth it tho.
I worked in Physio for years and have seen extreme cases able to be resolved…you owe it to yourself. To go.
I haven’t been able to run for 3 years without severe heel pain due to bone spurs. I ignored my symptoms and let it go for far too long. The more weight I gained, the worse it got. I went to the Running Center in Redlands and spent $250 on two pairs of running shoes (helped a little). Icing and stretching was not working (mostly because I’m lazy and don’t do it). I took a chance and bought these heel seats 6 months ago and the results are amazing. I felt immediate relief the first time I put them in my shoes. I have been going for short runs on soft dirt trails over the last few months with little or no pain. I went for my first 6 mile run on pavement in 2 years yesterday and I can actually walk today. I highly recommend that you try a pair of the HTP heel seats for anyone that is suffering like I was.
What are these heel seats? I’ve never heard of it and my PF is slowly getting worse as I train for my first marathon. I want to see it through but also want to be smart
Hi Stephanie
You can learn more about Heel Seats here:
They are a patented and clinically proven plantar fasciitis insert, and they are 100% guaranteed so if they don’t work for you we will gladly refund your purchase and help you find an alternative solution to your pain 🙂
Hi, I am a PF sufferer and need to know if these heel seats can be delivered to Canada?
Hi Nicole
Good news – we can definitely ship to Canada! Simply add the products you want to your cart, and in the checkout process we will ask your address. Select your country as “Canada” and you’re good to go 🙂
I have been using it consistently for 5 weeks and the HTP did NOT helped.
Hi Bernardo
Have you contacted customer support? We would be happy to help you find a better solution or refund your purchase if you found our products to be ineffective. Give us a call at 877-215-3200
I purchased these some time ago. Maybe I gave up too quickly. How soon should someone feel relief?
Hi Lora 😃
Our Heel Seats can take as long as 30 days for the full effects. Some people notice a difference immediately, but for others it takes a few weeks. Please call customer support 877-215-3200 (weekdays) or Facebook message us if you need any help!
Hi Stephanie How do I know what shoe size. I find even in the UK my shoe size varies.
Will I do more harm than good if I get the wrong size?
Hi Stephanie,
I’ve been using the heel seats now for about 2 weeks and my feet are still in excruciating pain. I’ve done everything possible. I’m going to my doctor in a couple of weeks to see what to do now. Has anything worked for you?
I was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis, they gave me the injections and had Orthotics inserts made. My foot still hurts. I wonder do I need surgery?
Hi Cynthia! It might be a good idea to talk to your doctor about surgery if you feel like you have exhausted your other options. 90% of people can heal on their own with moderate treatments – orthotics, ice, rest, stretching, etc, but for others surgery seems to be the only long-term solution. You can read more about surgery here: Hope this helps 🙂
Hi. I’ve had heel burns on and for years. Last couple of months I felt like a jolt in my heels whenever I bent forward so for example to pick something off the floor. But it’s been a week now that the burn and pain is constant. Even now writing this in my bed my heels ar killing me. In addition when I touch my heels I can feel as if there are lines on the buttom of my heels like there’s a crack in soft tissues.
Any suggestions?
I’m starting a job in couple of days that involves lifting and carrying heavy boxes. Is it gonna worsen the situation?
I have had surgery and I still have pain and developed a blood clot in my leg from surgery. Now my other foot has started to hurt. So I am not sure what the answer is for this.
I wouldn’t do surgery. I heard it may not help it.
Strengthen ur foot muscles and do episom salt soaks in cold water. I’m doing this now.
did this work Dina??
How to strengthen the food muscles
I have been dealing with this pain for years. I’m currently wearing a boot during the day when I can(I work fast food so can’t wear boot at work) and a different boot to bed. I’ve tried ice heat stretching ect with no success. Dr is talking about a cortisone shot but with everything I have read on it, I don’t want it done! Also dr is talking about putting me in a cast, has anyone done the cast thing and does it work? I don’t know what to do but do know I. Ant keep dealing with this pain every second of everyday!! Any suggestions??
Hi Richelle 🙂 Feel free to join our support community on Facebook, I’m sure you’ll be able to get peer answers to some of your questions:
I suffered with this a couple years ago. Went to an amazing chiropractor who really helped the pain after a couple adjustments….
King Brand worked for me. Greatly improved within two weeks.
My podiatrist said fitflops are the best shoe for comfort
Don’t wear flip flops ever Christine! It is SOO bad for your foot! I think you misunderstood the podiatrist
Fitflops are a branded shoe line. They are not flip flops.
I have plantar fascitis ive been done all like therapy, insole, steriods but still its getting worse , is surgery the option of ny problem??
Hi Shirly! It sounds like a good idea to bring up surgery with your doctor the next time you visit. Most people have positive results from surgery, but your doctor still may have ideas for more conservative, less invasive options to try.
I have a heal spur on the back of my heal that is connecting to my achilles tendon to where the tendon is pulling at the spur.
Any thoughts???
Do you deliver to Canada? If so how much?
I am a 51 year old male and have had a long history of Plantar Fasciitis (5+ years). I was playing softball 2 months ago and as I pushed off to run to a base, I felt a huge pop in the bottom of my foot followed by intense pain. Because I was on my first day of a family vacation and out of state, I didn’t go to the doctor. Unfortunately I couldn’t walk normally. I just wrapped my foot in an Ace bandage and had to place a little weight on the area of my small toes of the affected foot (left) so I could effectively hop around. The bottom of my foot swelled significantly. On the second and subsequent days, I developed two large purple bruises on the bottom of that foot, one on the middle of my arch and the other at the bottom/inside of the heel. Nobody likes a self-diagnoser, but after a lot of reading, it was clear that I ruptured the ligament. I still haven’t gone to the doctor about it because it was clear there really isn’t anything that can be done about it. I never stopped walking on it despite the awkward method I had to use and eventually I was able to place weight on my foot again.
The problem is that, 2 months out, it is still very painful and I have a pronounced limp. I tend to walk on the outside of my foot now because of the pain in the arch. I clearly handled the healing process all wrong and I am paying the price. I just wonder if there is something that can be done to stop the pain, or did I wreck my foot forever? I hate going to the doctor, especially when told there is nothing that can be done.
Try birkenstok shoes with high arch support,hard foot bed.this is what it helped me.I didn’t have the ligament ruptured though.I am not a specialist but I think will correct with the foot position when walking.
Ive had pf for 8yrs now and after physio, orthotics,sound wave therapy treatment i still have it. Im now waiting to have plasma rich platelet treatment. Again no guarantees. But worth a try😕
I have suffered with this for 7 years, I have had physio, injections, shock wave therapy but nothing has helped, I take 8 co codamol a day for the pain, today I am getting referred to a surgeon but now they think it could be nerve damage because it has gone on for so long, I now have a walking stick because the pain is unbearable when I walk, I am only 40 yrs and I now just want to cut my foot of, I’m getting so depressed about it all .
Going absolutely try a night splint and runners stretch three times a day your pain should go away within 4 to 6 weeks if you’re conscientious about wearing a night splint and doing the runners stretch three times a day good luck
I work in a place where a lot of walking and/or standing for the full shift is involved and have to wear safety boots, I have inserts which has eased the pain a little but not completely, am I causing more (permanent) damage by continuing to work? Should I be resting it and allowing it to recover?
I have recurring plantar fasciitis in my left foot, better for a while and randomly comes back. I was diagnosed within 3 days of onset of symptoms in February this year. How long does it take to heal all the way? I’ve done the stretches, ice, good shoes, etc.
I am currently going through the same pain with PF. I’ve gone to my regular doctor, urgent care and emergency room and no one seems to be able to give me a general answer on how I can heal this pain. Its in the balls of the both of my feet. I just wish it would really go away.
I too have had PFand bone spurs, for over 10 years. Too much running and fallen arches started it all. Not able to run made me gain weight, which made things worse! I had the painful shots that don’t last, inserts, and every orthotic they thought would help. Two years ago, I had Ossatron on both feet at the same. They didn’t cut me open. It was like going into a MRI machine and shockwaves strong as jackhammers brokedown the calcium deposits. Pain from the bone spurs is gone. I can walk with limping, or a wearing foot brace. Still have Plantars pain, but much bearable. Recommend lots of foot rubs or use a golf ball, stretches, and change shoes often!!
I’m an avid tennis player and have PF. I keep the pain at bay by wearing the seats in my tennis shoes, and the PF Sandals (flip-flops) otherwise. At night I use a simple splint to keep the PF stretched (also helps prevent leg cramps). These and sufficient recovery time allow me to play 4 times per week.
Will the heel seats delivered in India.
Hi Mahendra – yes! We ship to most places in India. Simply add the product to your cart and go through the checkout process, entering “India” as your country of delivery.
Do you deliver Heal Seats Products to Burma ?
Hi Htet!
We ship to most addresses in that region 👍 Try adding something to your cart, and when you go to check out type in your address and select “Myanmar” as the country.
II have the same thing you have went to Orthopidic give 2 shots of cortisone didn’t help, and my dr he do not believe in doing sergery. I went for secon opinion and this dr is going to do surgery
Same here no-one believe me till I had full scans 1year later had it before so thought keep going would help I had to push for scans to late spurs in worse places found out today thought it was in my head so did others and my docter damage done now on mass meds for spine 2 x in hospital would not scan them nearly topp myselfbecourse off pain
Hi, I am suffering from planter fasciitis for the last 10 days . I cant walk properly and my left knee pains…. my physiotherapist only suggested exercise…. its still not working … pain like hell… what should I do now
I am an OR nurse and on my feet all day 12 hours. I just went to a podiatrist today and she gave me a cortisone shot (seeing so much against them on here now I am worried that I had the shot) She put a splint on and a boot to wear she said something about a night splint but never gave me one. I have to follow up in a weak and she wants to cast me for custom orthotic Does this sound like good care. I worry a lot. She also said I have Achilles tendonitis and posterior tibial tendonitis and 2 heel bone spurs one on bottom of heel and one on back of heel. and she said something about nerve involvement on inner ankle cause when she tapped there I got tingling in the foot and toes. Also she wrote me out of work for one week, but said I will need the boot until the orthodic comes. Is one week enough rest or will this not improve in one week and I will make it worse going back to standing walking occasional running (run for things for surgeons in emergencies) for 12 hours a day 3 or more times a week (and sometimes 24 hour call of possible standing walking running)
all advise welcomed and appreciated
My mother has Plantar Fasciitis, and now we are thinking that my sister has it to. My sister absolutely hates going to the doctor for anything, so she doesn’t plan to get treated. I appreciate this article detailing how leaving Plantar Fasciitis untreated for so long could result in complications and further pain.
Don’t lev it please get a scan
I had severe plantar fasciitis & was treated & recovered at least 90% with P.T. Cortisone injections & anti-inflammatory. Today I had to make a f/u app w/same podiatrist due to Lt foot lateral ; this area gives me a sharp electro like pain which last about 5-6 seconds & goes away but today it has returned with a vengeance , it stops but returns within 1minutes it’s out of control, my MRI doesn’t show a hair line FX
I purchased Heal Seats. Thank goodness for ‘Heal that Pain’! It’s the only remedy that knocked my Plantar Fasciitis.
Hi everybod my name is carmen I’m 31 now and I’ve been dealing with these feet pain since I was 26. I’ve heard women get this problem in there 50s and so on or people who are obese I’ve always been very athletic my hole life I weight about 165. And my life has changed completely I’m so miserable depressed I have so much anxiety. I’ve seen 4 podiatrists and I’ve been thru it all physical therapy didnt help u name it using a water bottle frozen rolling my feet using my toes to pull the towel calf stretching taro band massage ankle rotation ultra sound therapy u name I’ve done it I’ve seen 3 different physical therapist and nothing has helped I feel after I get out of there I’m in more pain to were I cant even drive my own self home. I’ve had multiple cortisone injections and they just leave me worse. So they did surgery on me both feet plantar fasciitis release surgery on both feet didnt help. 3 surgery he found a cyst he removed. Therefore whatever he did didnt help he left nerve damage on the bottom of my foot and it’s been 2 years I haven’t felt the bottom of my I finally decided to see another doctor then I finally got in for and MRI and they seen cyst in the fascia band so he went in and “remove that” and some of the fascia band for my 4th surgery and also inserted and ankle implant to correct my feet position to help remove tension of the fascia band hasn’t helped one bit. So he decided to do insert and ankle implant on my other foot surgery 5 and still no improvement they hurt so bad still I cant stand so long sit to long cuz once I get up it hurts so bad. I haven’t worked in over 5 years and life hasn’t been easy. I have custom Orthotics and it seems they just hirt so much more and I’ve gone thru so many shoes that just dont make nothing feel better. I try to talk to my doctor about my pain and all he says it’s the muscles in my feet and they just dont feel right should I seek more advice to a doctor who will hear me out about this pain. I’m tired of taking pain pills I’m tired of being in pain. I’m in the us and its 12:47 am and I cant sleep due to my pain. If u read this I’m sorry ur dealing with feet pain we but the way I see is were plantar fasciitis warriors gods Good one day he will heal all of us god bless each one of u guys
Please I need help I have never felt pain like this. I have had this pain for about 13 weeks & it’s getting worse no pain killers are helping have insoles in my shoes doing the stretches that my doctor has given me but not helping I seriously can’t live with this any longer I’m desperate.
My son complained about her pain that he experienced on and off for 6 years. We were told it was everything from PF to sprains to hairline fractures. Finally, four days after he graduated from high school a clinic doc looked at the X-ray and said to my 18 year old son “Dude, your foot is messed up and you need to see an orthopedist tomorrow”. When we asked him why, he said that he doesn’t think any bone is actually in his calcaneus and didn’t know what was there. Thank God for him because it turned out my son had 2 aneurysmal bone cysts, a giant cell tumor and a chondro blastoma. These for things are my sons entire heel and they were starting to work in the cartilage of the long bone. It completely derailed his entire college career and life long dream and was heart breaking but the good news is that God has continued to bless him with an Amazon support system and his life is good and solid. Most importantly, thanks to an outstanding orthopedic oncologist, DJ doesn’t walk with a limp of pain of any kind and will graduate from college next year. He was incorrectly diagnosed by over a dozen doctors and was on his way to losing his leg. Get second of third or more opinions if you are not experiencing relief.
Actually the shots do work…most of the time they quite are painful. Don’t let an ordinary doctor give you the shot…go to a foot doctor. They can give the shot in a less painful manner, but it still hurts. The shot may only be a temporary solution because I have to get one every three years or so.
I’ve had Plantar Fasciitis on both feet for 26 years. I’ve been to 16 specialists, had 20 pairs of orthotics, steroid cortisone injections, night splints, stretching, strengthening exercise, 15 rounds of shockwave therapy from 2 different specialists, Platelet Rich Plasma injections, dry needling, acupuncture, foot taping, cold lazer, and am currently booked for Active Release Therapy. I’m considering a TenJet tenotomy which is the only type of surgical procedure I would risk as it just removes diseased tissue and does not cut the fascia. I would go straight away but I live in Australia and can only find surgeons in the US that will offer the procedure (around $4,000 USD for both feet excluding any PRP injections which they recommend and not with a full hospitalised anaesthetic. Here’s what I have found works for me, I do not recommend anything and have no connection with anyone this is just my own personal experience – taping with rigid strapping tape, this will take the pressure off the plantar fascia and give immediate relief! Watch a youtube video on different ways to tape, Joya shoes made in Switzerland they are “the softest shoes in the world” apparently, these make a BIG difference, gastrocnemius and soleus muscle calf stretching (again lots of videos how to do this on Youtube), I bought a heated floor pad that I have by my bed and switch it on for 15 minutes before I get up. I place me feet on the heated pad and warm my feet up before doing any foot stretching, I then stretch my feet on at a time with my hands pulling the toes back with one hand until the plantar fascia is tight and then push my heel downwards at the same time to stretch the soleus (one leg is on the other knee ). As I have had fasciitis/ fasciosis so long what works for others has not worked for me. If I have a Tenjet procedure I’ll update the post but I need to exhaust the possibility that ART before I spend $7,500 (Aussie Dollars) on a trip to the US plus hotels, plus the procedure etc.