Have you heard the claim that plantar fasciitis can be healed through a few sessions of chiropractic care?
While chiropractors do amazing work, it’s important to set realistic expectations and understand exactly what chiropractors can (and can’t) do to help alleviate your symptoms from plantar fasciitis.
For instance, chiropractic care can address some of the contributing causes of plantar fasciitis (or help mitigate some of the reasons your plantar fasciitis might be worsening).
However, a chiropractor can’t treat plantar fasciitis at the source of the pain or treat the damage to the affected tendons and ligaments in your foot. Think of plantar fasciitis like a flat bicycle tire. You would be wise to deal with the cause of the flat tire (e.g., sweep away the thorns on the sidewalk so you don’t get another flat tire in the future). But to deal with the flat tire itself, you’ll need to patch up the puncture.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Plantar Fasciitis
Here are some of the reasons you might consider visiting a chiropractor for plantar fasciitis, as well as some doctor-recommended advice for getting treatment at the source of the pain!
Adjusting Posture
Chiropractic care can help you deal with one significant contributing factor to plantar fasciitis, which is bad posture. The way you walk and the amount of impact generated by your feet because of your body posture can worsen or contribute to plantar fasciitis. A good chiropractor can help you improve your posture, which will in turn improve the way your feet feel as you walk or move!
Balanced Weight

If you suffer from plantar fasciitis in one foot more than the other, it could be that your weight isn’t very balanced across your feet–which bear that weight. A chiropractor can help realign and balance your body so that the weight is distributed more evenly and isn’t falling more heavily on one foot versus the other, allowing the affected foot to heal more quickly and reducing the chance of symptoms recurring.
Physical Activity Level
Chiropractic care can help you feel well in other ways besides balancing your weight and improving your posture. Eliminating aches and pains in your back, neck, and shoulders, can help you feel more positive about your health and life in general, which can in turn encourage you to follow through with simple exercises that will help you heal more quickly from plantar fasciitis.
Doctor Recommended Plantar Fasciitis Treatment
While chiropractic care can have many benefit when it comes to plantar fasciitis, particularly by improving your posture and alignment, don’t forget to focus on the doctor-recommended treatment methods that will get you back on your feet the fastest. Make sure you spend adequate, consistent time each day doing simple stretches, supporting your feet by wearing slip-in orthotics, icing your heels and feet regularly, taking anti-inflammatory medication like ibuprofen to reduce inflammation, and making sure you adequately rest your feet. The more consistent you are by combining these proven treatments–along with chiropractic care if you find that it helps you–the quicker you’ll feel better!
When you choose a chiropractor for plantar fasciitis, make sure you select a provider who sets realistic expectations about what he or she can accomplish in helping you heal. Steer clear of anyone who promises to “heal your plantar fasciitis in X sessions” or who promotes himself or herself as a one-stop cure.
We encourage our clients to take a holistic approach to their health–which means taking a whole-body approach to healing from plantar fasciitis. If you suffer from bad posture or an unbalanced alignment that you think might be contributing to your plantar fasciitis, visiting a chiropractor may be a great option for you!
In alot of pain from right foot planter fasciitis, also my legs are feeling some strain and my sciatica is awful, I stand for 5 hrs straight on cement flrs at work, have had 3 shots of cortisone in my foot, no relief
I had terrible plantar fasciitis. Then, I bought one of those “boots” to wear at night that stretches out your foot. If you wear it faithfully at night, I think you might get some relief. Instead of cortisone which can have bad side effects, you might try a natural product like Arthrosoothe. Or you could ask your doctor about Voltaren gel. Stretching is also vital!! Good luck!!
My planters is so bad in both feet I walk on tip toes all the time now my lower back and butt hurts so bad that the combination of the both I can barely walk in morning in extreme pain… I have no health insurance because of the crazy cost for what u get so I feel trapped! Please help me!!!
Hi!I’m mercedes,my daughter is working in Taiwan as prod.operator..she’s now suffering from pain every morning from her ankle,sometimes she can’t walk..so made this research &
found your site…i know you can help us to know more about plantar fasciitis and it’s treatment using your products..I’m from the Philippines,i just want to help my daughter to ease the pain so she can work better
doing that for her 2 kids..
thank you in advance for any help you can extend to us..
God bless
I have tried everything from night splints, boots, ice rolling, stretching (which now is too painful to do) rest, cortisone shots, orthotics, Hoka shoes, recovery shoes, and compression socks. I am not getting any relief…And, I own a dog walking company!
I was told that a small bone in the top of the foot is sometimes to cause of PF. Does this ring a bell with anyone?
Next and only option at this point seems to be surgery.
My quality of life sucks because if this infuriating pain.
Hi Robin, I was wondering if you found something to relieve your pain or if you went for surgery. I had suspected that I had PF I guess about 2 years ago and it seem to flare up in both feet and I could hardly walk to the bathroom in the morning because it hurt so bad. It slowly got better. Then in August of 2021 my left heel started hurting really bad and I thought it must have been coming from the chronic nerve pain that suffer with in my left side . So I spoke with my doctor and she increased my Neurontin and gave me some pain pills. I suffered from August til December and finally just called uncle and made an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon. Found out that I had a stress fracture running through my heel, and of course I had PF in my foot (already knew that) and my Vitamin D level was low. He put me in a cast with non-weight bearing for 12 long weeks. After the cast came off I was placed in a walking boot for a month. I’ve been out of it now for almost 2 months and the pain is so severe at times I can’t walk. I moved back to Louisiana and had to see a different other surgeon who advised me that the other doctor kept me in a cast too long by looking at my records he got from his office. My new doctor said he didn’t do you any favors at all because he cast the PF to become severe. He offered me shots in my heel to try and help the pain but I told him I was going to have to think about that. He did give me a gel heel insert but it hasn’t helped. I had no choice but to go back to work, working 12 hour shifts on my feet most of that time. Does any one have any suggestions on what might help with the pain? I didn’t see any replies to the other questions but though I would try. Thanks in advance