Home Remedy Treatments for Heel Pain | Heel That Pain

Natural Remedies For Heel Pain


Skeptical about home remedies? What if a change of mind could heal your heel pain?

Modern western medicine has achieved monumental wonders: the polio vaccine, penicillin, the X-ray. But no one era or culture holds the patent on medical wisdom, and you might be surprised to learn:

  • As early as 1900 BC, healers in India were using agents like turmeric for their anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties
  • The ancient Mayans performed cranial surgery
  • Dating back to at least 1000 BC, Native Americans had effective anesthetics, syringes and understood how to operate under sterile conditions
  • Chinese doctors were prescribing dietary changes for vitamin deficiencies in 200 AD
  • Nearly all old cultures practiced some form of herbal medicine, and many of these ancient plants have now been scientifically proven to possess amazing medicinal properties, some every bit as effective as modern prescription medicines!

Ever noticed how one herb or food after another is making headlines these days, from ginko to goji berries, promising incredible health benefits? If you’re a skeptic, it may even be rooted in the fact that the sheer number of introductions of new ‘super foods’ has wound up seeming like a never-ending fad. But when you consider that most of these herbs and plants have been known to various cultures for hundreds or thousands of years, the only thing new about them is their introduction to our modern society.

Orthotic heel pain discount kits

So, we ask you – if you’ve got chronic heel pain and haven’t received help from trips to the doctor’s office, would you be willing to try some non-invasive, natural home remedies if they could actually relieve your symptoms and help your body heal?

Let’s break this down into three simple categories you can explore for quick-acting, permanent relief from your heel pain.

Physical Practices to Relieve Heel Pain

Rest – Yes, this seems like it should be a no-brainer, but you may be one of those busy people who makes time for everything and everyone but themselves. If your feet have become unhealthy due to overuse, obesity, high-impact sports or ill-fitting shoes, they are begging you to prop them up and let them rest. At the very least, kick back with your feet elevated for twenty minutes, twice a day. Yes, you can watch TV while you do this (or better yet, read a great book about holistic medicine!). The main thing is to be totally relaxed and give your feet a break from all of the support they are giving you every day, with each step you take.

Ice – While you’re resting your tired dogs, put an ice pack on your heels. Don’t have an ice pack? Wrap ice cubes up in a towel. There is no less expensive way to quickly lessen inflammation and numb soreness. While ice will not cure underlying conditions like Plantar Fasciitis, plantar fascia tears or heel spurs, it can make life a little more bearable each day until your other healing efforts have time to go into effect.

Stretch – In the condition of Planar Fasciitis, the biomechanics of the foot become unbalanced as the plantar fascia ligament spanning your foot from heel to ball stretches beyond a normal range of motion and develops inflammation and small tears. Doing the right foot stretches can help to strengthen this vital ligament and prevent further injury. Check out these free instructional heel stretching videos.

Shop – No, this isn’t your chance to place the blame for a spending spree on that nagging heel pain, but it is a plea to make your next footwear purchase a really sensible one. Podiatrists cite poorly fitting shoes as a leading cause of poor foot health. High heels or any type of shoe not offering a roomy fit, good support and a natural elevation can lead to ingrown toenails, bunions, irreversible damage to the feet and legs, chronic hip and back problems, dangerous falls and – you guessed it – Plantar Fasciitis. Shoes that have worn insoles can also cause serious problems and pain. Prove that you appreciate your feet by making your next shoe purchase all about their comfort and not about some marketer’s goofy idea of high fashion!

Natural Remedies for Heel Pain

Vitamins & Minerals – Did you know that there are vitamins and minerals that have been clinically proven to play a part in the health of the components of your feet? Check out this great, free list of vitamins and minerals for heel pain. In some cases, you can access these helpful substances from the foods you eat. In more severe cases, you may wish to take some in supplement form to ensure you’re getting high enough doses to combat a tough health problem.

Soaks & Packs – Try epsom salts or arnica salts in the bath for a foot soak, or soak a washcloth in heated linseed oil and apply it to your heel. These are tried-and-true folk remedies for all kinds of aches and pains.

Teas – Dealing with ongoing pain can grate on your nerves and leave your whole body feeling tight and wound up. Try chamomile tea to sooth your nerves and promote sound sleep. Tea containing the herb valerian acts as a natural muscle relaxant. Teas containing the flowers of the hops plant are believed to calm anxiety and tone down feelings of irritability. To combat inflammation, look for teas containing the root turmeric or its pigment curcumin. Boswellia is another plant believed to contain powerful anti-inflammatory agents. Plantar Fasciitis sufferers often confess that they know they’ve become snappish with their loved ones because coping with the pain in their heels has put a real strain on their nerves. Herbal teas can help you relax and regain a feeling of well-being, enabling you to interact in a sunnier fashion with friends and family again.

*Always check with a doctor before starting to take a new herbal, vitamin or mineral supplement in any form.

Physical Support for Your Feet

Fascia-Bar Treatments – Podiatrists state that more than 90% of cases of Plantar Fasciitis and heel pain can be treated without drugs or surgery. Rest, icing, stretching and supplements can all relieve pain and speed healing, but on-site treatment of the physical problem will be vital to your recovery. Fascia-Bar technology was developed by Chief Pedorthist, Art Smucker, through an intensive thirty year period of research and development, the goal of which was to design an orthotic support specifically for Plantar Fasciitis sufferers. This clinically-proven, patented technology is found in the lineup of orthotic inserts, wraps and splints, and not in any other product on the market. With daily wear of a product like Heel Seats, you will be promoting healing via the following features:

  • Realignment of your foot’s biomechanics
  • Gentle lifting, stretching and strengthening of the plantar fascia ligament
  • Cushioning sore, worn down heels with dense, supportive padding
  • The application of acupressure to the heel bone, stimulating a healing response from your body

Most Plantar Fasciitis sufferers report significant heel pain reduction within about a week, and all products we feature come with a money-back guarantee. Best of all, this is an affordable home remedy – something you can do each day, on your own, to heal your condition. No doctors, no physical therapists, no dangerous drugs or costly surgeries. And better than a 9 out of 10 chance that use of Fascia-Bar technology coupled with simple practices like resting, icing and stretching could rid you of that heel pain for good!

Still Not Convinced?

We have a very simple priority here at Heel That Pain that governs everything we do: we want to get you out of pain and help you recover as quickly and safely as possible. Getting you health back is so important to us that we’ve invested oodles of time and funding in creating this website, chock-full of free educational materials and videos for the home treatment of heel pain via natural, non-invasive methods.

But maybe just reading about it just isn’t your thing.

Would you like the chance to speak directly with a heel pain support technician? Maybe you have some tough questions that you want answers to, or maybe you’d just like to chat with someone who understands what you’ve been going through trying to cope with daily pain.

Accept this as your invitation to call our patient helpline at 877-215-3200. We’re here to help you!

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