Morning Heel Pain
If Your First Steps Out Of Bed Hurt, You May Have Plantar Fasciitis
If you experience your most severe heel pain symptoms in the morning, putting a name to your condition can be the first step in the healing process. Morning heel pain is widely considered to be a hallmark symptom of an ailment called Plantar Fasciitis. In fact, Johns Hopkins Medicine describes this most common symptom in the following terms:
“The pain is commonly most severe upon arising from bed in the morning, or after periods of inactivity during the day. Thus, it causes what is known as “first-step pain.”

Evaluating Your Heel Pain
If you have developed Plantar Fasciitis, some of the most common symptoms include:
- Pain in one or both heels when you first get out of bed in the morning
- Pain that lessens after a few minutes’ walking
- Pain that is worse when you stand up after sitting for a prolonged period
- Pain that is mild, moderate or severe
- Ongoing bouts of pain that may have been bothering you for weeks, months or years
- Pain that seems to center on the bottom of your heel
- Aching, burning or stabbing sensations in the heel
- Swelling or redness in the heel area
All of the above symptom descriptions are characteristic of Plantar Fasciitis. Your heel pain may only be a slight nuisance, or may have become debilitating, making you dread those first morning steps or rising from your desk at work. Regardless of the degree of discomfort, morning heel pain can be a sign of a serious, but treatable, condition. Because Plantar Fasciitis is a progressive condition, ignoring your symptoms may actually put you at risk for a worsening of discomfort and further damage to the ligament over time. Fortunately, most cases of Plantar Fasciitis can be resolved quickly and affordably, without the need for medications or surgeries.
Reduce morning heel pain with this guaranteed treatment!
Evaluating Your Options For Heel Pain Recovery
Empowering yourself by learning the basics about Plantar Fasciitis, easy exercises, treatment options, and orthotic supports can mean the difference between illness and health. We’ve helped thousands of Plantar Fasciitis sufferers become pain-free and we urge you to take a few minutes to educate yourself on this important topic.
Plantar Fasciitis: Plantar Fasciitis is a condition in which the plantar fascia ligament supporting the sole of your foot becomes torn and inflamed. This article will teach you all you need to know about the physical causes and outcomes of this painful ailment. Start here to get up-to-speed on this topic.
Heel Spurs: Part of the discomfort you experience when walking may be the result of heel spurs – bony protrusions that can grow on the heel bone due to Plantar Fasciitis. Most cases of heel spurs can be healed without surgery. Understand the non-invasive steps you can take to recover from heel spurs
Plantar Fasciitis Treatment Options: In this article, you will find an exceptionally informative chart of all of the common treatment options for Plantar Fasciitis. Each option includes a description of the pros, cons and costs. Determine your best recovery plan here.
Plantar Fasciitis Exercises: Before you get out of bed, a simple foot massage can greatly reduce your morning heel pain. Follow up with some easy exercises each day to strengthen and tone the muscles of the calf and heel. Watch the helpful videos on this page and take a proactive approach to foot wellness through exercise.
Plantar Fasciitis Orthotics: Orthotics are devices designed to bring healthy realignment to the foot, encouraging your body’s ability to heal naturally. If you have Plantar Fasciitis, it’s extremely important to choose orthotic shoe inserts specifically designed for this condition. Get to know our line of satisfaction-guaranteed Plantar Fasciitis inserts.
A Small Investment Now Could Save You From Years Of Pain
We receive testimonials on a daily basis from people who have been starting their mornings in pain for months or years due to neglected Plantar Fasciitis. Their remarkable recovery was finally made possible by the fact that they were willing to make just 3 small investments.
- A one-time investment of about an hour to educate themselves on the causes of their morning heel pain. All of the resources they needed to accomplish this are right here on this website, for free. You only need to browse our articles to get the information you need about Plantar Fasciitis.
- A daily investment of a few minutes each day spent doing exercises that anyone can do. The article linked to, above, showed these longtime heel pain sufferers how to do some very basic stretches that encouraged their feet to heal.
- A small monetary investment in a clinically-tested orthotic shoe insert, designed to add new cushioning to the deteriorated fatty tissue of the heel and to realign the plantar fascia ligament to its proper position. Some orthotics cost many hundreds of dollars. Here at, our athlete-endorsed Heel Seats cost about as much as a light lunch for two.
More than nine out of ten Heel Seats customers report recovery from morning heel pain when using our orthotic inserts in conjunction with rest, icing and exercise. Get Up On the Right Side Of The Bed, Pain-Free, With Heel Seats!